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Цветы Дочери
АнгелСамый продаваемый букет!от 5 000 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 19 января 20253/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Твой деньДоставка от 1 часа!от 3 800 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 8 января 20254/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
УдачныйПринесет вам удачуот 7 600 РNew!Rated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 19 ноября 20241/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Радость жизниШедевр от флористов!от 9 200 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 6 января 20254/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Букеты из розМеняйте цвет, количество и упаковкуот 2 600 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 9 ноября 20242/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Море соблазнаОтличный букет за разумные деньгиот 5 100 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 25 декабря 20241/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
НежнейшийДоставка в любой район!от 7 200 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 24 декабря 20245/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
ОзарениеВыскажите любовь цветамиот 8 800 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 11 декабря 20245/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Ромашковое полеЦветы — хорошее начало!от 8 300 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 27 декабря 20242/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Букет из розовых розСамое главное - внимание!от 3 700 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 19 ноября 20244/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Лучшие мечтыМечты сбываются...от 5 900 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 14 января 20251/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Моя нежностьОткрытка в подарок!от 4 800 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 28 ноября 20244/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Фонтан желанийОптовые цены на эту корзинуот 12 400 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 3 января 20253/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Новый деньНежный подарок для самой самойот 5 100 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 4 февраля 20254/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
ЛетиКупили 122 раза за 5 дней!от 5 800 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 13 февраля 20254/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
МилыйЦена и качество на высшем уровне!от 5 900 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 12 ноября 20242/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
КрасоткаНайдете дешевле, сделаем скидку3 500 РСкидка!Rated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 27 декабря 20241/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
ВероникаЭтот букет купили 233 раза!от 4 800 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 28 января 20253/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
СонПросто и красивоот 6 100 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 22 января 20253/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Ты мне нужнаБольшой и бюджетный букетот 8 000 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 4 февраля 20252/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
КлассическийКлассическое решение подаркаот 6 200 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 22 января 20254/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Солнечный лучБукет ваших чувствот 5 900 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 6 января 20253/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Для наших дамОцените наш сервис - оставьте отзыв!от 10 100 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 6 февраля 20255/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
ПобедаБольшой букет красных розот 6 500 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 19 декабря 20244/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
ЗакатНеобычная цветовая гаммаот 6 400 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 13 февраля 20254/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Добрый подарокНедорогой комплимент из розот 5 200 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 12 ноября 20241/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Мой сонКлассика подарка - хризантемы!от 6 400 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 20 января 20254/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
ПринцессаЭксклюзивная корзина - под заказ!от 18 600 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 30 ноября 20245/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Розовый райПышный букет, 1 ветка - до 7 бутоновот 5 600 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 28 декабря 20245/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.
Северное сияниеНизкая цена - достойное качество!от 11 400 РRated 3.5/5 based on 5 customer reviewsValue purchase - by Lucas, 30 декабря 20244/ 5starsGreat microwave for the price. It is small and fits in my apartment.